Library Books

Pt. Moti Lal Nehru P.G. Law College Chhatarpur

Class No Subject Library No. of Books
1(S) History of Indian Law 420
1(S1)  Constitutional Histroy of India 250
2(S) Legal and Constitutional History of India 240
2(S2) Indian Contract Act 492
3(S) Good and Sales Act, Negotiable Instrument  Act 456
3 (S2) Indian Penal Code 850
25(S) Criminal Procedure Code 562
26(S) Constitutional Histroy of India 85
4(S) Juvenile  Justice Act 147
5(S) Indian Constitutional Law 488
5(S1) Law of Torts 507
6(S) Indian Easement Act 362
7(S) Indian Evidence Act 596
7(S1) Hidnu Law 670
24(S) Muslim Law 530
7(S2) Human Right Act 210
2(S1) Family Law 165
8(S)1 Indian Partnership Act 245
8(S)11 Transfar Property Act 460
8(8)III Jurisprudence 375
9(S) Compretive Law 145
9(S1) Civil Procedure Code 387
9(S2) Indian Limitation Act 245
10(S) Indian arbitration Act 255
11(S) Madhya Pradesh Land Revenue Code 356
12(S) Equity And Law and Specific Relief Act 307
13(S) Administrative Law 310
14(S) Pleading and Conveyancing 266
15(S) Law of Contract 325
16(S) Labour Law 408
17(S) Private International Law 120
18(S) Criminology 245
19(S) International Law 410
22(N) Income Tax Law 314
36(S) Madhya Pradesh Panchayat Rajya Act 114
69(S) Miscellaneous Law books Collection 3836
27(S) Interpretation of Status 310
68(S) Vividh Archarya Sahinta 87
19(S1) Upay Vidhi 91
20(S) Decided Cases 220
27(S1) Prfessional Ethics 88
28(S) Moot Court 99
29(S) Public Intrest Litigation 121
36(S) Consumer Protection Act 110
30(S) Wild Life Protection Act 120
22(S) English 310
25(S) Unsold Papers 674
15(S) C.S. Managment 220
12(B) Registration Act 18
14(B) M.P. Civil Court Act 87
14(E) Rules and Order 30
69(S) Environmental Law 290
  Intellectual Property Right 185
  History of India 175
  Sociology 210
  Political Science 175
  Political Obligation 94
  International Relations and organasition 98
  Computer Fundamentals 135
  Economics 91
  Books on other subjects 1860